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There’s never a charge for library activities, thanks to the Summersville Friends of the Library and Texas County Library, but you can show your appreciation by attending the Friends’ monthly meetings and being a part of this service to our community.
I would probably collect maps, especially geologic maps. I think they’re a fascinating way of displaying 3D information on a 2D surface.
The pair met whilst studying at Grays School of Art in Aberdeen before living and working abroad for ten years in Dubai, New York, Sydney and London. They returned to Scotland to start a family, and it was after having their two children that the seed for HeyWow began to grow.
Gatov wanted to use lots of prepositions so her grandchildren would be introduced to the idea. This was the one for "into."
Someday soon I hope I get the hang of this management stuff, because it’s a lot of work right now. In theory, I’d like to take advantage of the fact that I live in the beautiful state of Colorado but at the moment I reside inside an archival vault. (Okay, I may be exaggerating a little.)
In 2016, Jump entered the education market by publishing books in paperback for classroom usage, as well as in a hardcover format with reinforced binding for libraries. The various series, published under three imprints—Tadpole Books for children beginning to read, Bullfrog Books for high-interest low-level readers, and Pogo for readers in grades two to five interested in STEM topics—are made “easily recognizable” to teachers and librarians, as well as young readers themselves, Kaufman says, with “clean white covers and bright, warm interior spreads” that feature vibrant photos and simple text.
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There are currently a number of 3D printers available on the market for the average consumer, but few have as much whimsy and playfulness as the Toybox. Equipped with a catalog stocked with standard designs, the Toybox is capable of printing a wide variety of toys, including figurines, castles, unicorns, and balls. It can also print custom projects designed by the user.
The oldest item with a reference to cooking in the Wellcome Library collection isn’t a cookbook. Instead, it is a single page of Anglo-Saxon medicinal formulas written down in the 11th century, a fragment from a dismantled volume. Around the year 1000, the five recipes on the page, which treat maladies such as liver disease and heartache, were scribbled down by three different people. Clues about the foods of the period pop up on the document. A remedy for lung disease consists of an herbal ale washed down with an eggshell full of butter. An ointment for tumors has “honey, such as is used to lighten porridge,” boiled with herbs, garlic, and pepper. According to the library, it may have been part of an informal recipe book kept by monks. Its survival is something of a miracle, since it was extracted from the original manuscript and turned into the cover of a Latin schoolbook in 1558. The schoolbook survived a fire in 1881 by being thrown out a window.
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KU names new director of University Press of Kansas | Catalog Printing Related Video:
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