Plus, each book is only around 180 pages long, so you can read it in an afternoon. What are you waiting for?
This 15th-century Italian manuscript was authored by one Maestro Martino of Como, chef to a famous cardinal. Martino was known for cooking lavish banquets for his employer. Along the way, he achieved fame as “the prince of cooks.” Martino likely deserves the title, according to Brett Zongker from the Library of Congress, since his Libro “is the first known book to specify ingredients, cooking times, techniques, utensils, and amounts.” As a late medieval chef cooking on the cusp of the Renaissance, Martino includes a recipe for everything from almond-rice pudding to “How to Dress a Peacock With All Its Feathers, So That When Cooked, It Appears to Be Alive and Spews Fire From Its Beak.” He also recommends that chefs boil eggs for the amount of time needed to recite the Lord’s Prayer: around two minutes. Martino’s work is momentous for another reason too: In the 15th century, his recipes made up a major part of the world’s first printed cookbook, Platina’s De honesta voluptate et valetudine. A scribe practiced calligraphy on one of the last pages of this particular volume.
Her grandson who she wrote the poem for is now 8 and there’s another one, who’s 4. Gatov hopes the book entertains them and also teaches about prepositions such as on, in, after, beneath.
So loved is my recipe binder that I decided to pay it forward and make my own version for a friend on her wedding day. She was just as awed and appreciative as I was.
You’ve celebrated Christmas and already looking to conquer the year ahead with conscious intention and purpose. Whether you’re a small business owner, a working parent or a college student, you’re keen to get organized and make 2019 your best yet – and you’re keen to do it in ethical and sustainable style.
Since its launch, Familius has built a backlist of more than 250 titles. Using that as a resource, it recently created the Happy Family Box, which combines books with crafts and other family-bonding activities. The package is subscription based and priced at $29.99 per month, though consumers receive 35% off of their first boxes.
Don’t stash things away, wear them! These custom shirts are a keepsake that can shown off over and over again.
I am an English Literature major, minoring in Sociology and Classical Studies. I work at the university library as an Information Desk attendant, as well as the Washington State Archives Northwest Regional Branch in Bellingham as a student organizational assistant. I am also a research assistant to Dr. Laura Laffrado, director of the Ella Higginson Recovery Project.
Come up with a uniform style for each recipe, using consistent font types and sizes. Be sure to include the recipe source, whether it’s a cookbook, website or a family member. See "writing a recipe" tips to ensure the recipes are easy to follow. I like to add a personal note at the bottom of some of the recipes. If I have a good photo (that I’ve taken myself or have the rights to) I’ll include it if there’s room.
Sotheby’s online single-item sale of a poster for the 1932 film The Mummy, starring Boris Karloff, ends on Wednesday, October 31. The starting bid is $950,000.
A lot of picture books are doing that now — no doubt thanks to the way books like Bone helped make adults see that comics are O.K. for kids.
But getting English flipback editions of Mr. Green’s books proved endlessly complicated. Jongbloed is currently the only printer in the world that makes them, using ultrathin but durable paper from a mill in a village in Finland. The first sample pages that Jongbloed sent looked cluttered, with letters and words crammed too close together. Dutton’s designers experimented with different fonts and spacing and sent the printer a revised layout. Reformatting “An Abundance of Katherines,” a book that has footnotes and mathematical equations, was especially tricky.
Lupita Nyong’o to Publish a Children’s Book | Paperback Cooking Book Printing Related Video:
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