Shorter books work best with a single theme. It might be a trip of a lifetime, a family get-together or special event like a wedding or special birthday. Make sure all the images you choose relate to one another and tell the ‘story’ of the book in a visual way. Select a couple of images that are graphically strong to use on the cover and/or for the leading pages.
The Simply Delicious books have been out of print for many years but people regularly ask where they can find a copy of one or another, so this edition is especially for you. I’m delighted to be republishing this collection of 100 classic recipes from Simply Delicious I and 2 and Simply Delicious Vegetables.
Whisk together eggs, half-and-half, vanilla, Grand Marnier and salt. Pour evenly over bread. Cover and chill at least 8 hours and up to one day.
“I drove around a lot, selling them at shows, so that I could make as much money back as possible between December 13 and December 25,” she said.
There are three talks on the early modern period, including a talk about early modern women’s texts by Marie-Louise Coolahan and Mark Empey, a talk on embroidered bookbindings of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries by Gilly Wraight, and one by Stephanie Fell titled “Women’s Hidden Work: Innovative and Creative Descriptive Practices for the Lisa Unger Baskin Collection at the Rubenstein Library, Duke University.” Fell will be discussing the work of catalogers at Duke to create access to topics of scholarly interest – like women and provenance or women printers.
Back in the day, though, these books were a license to print money. "The distribution network was in place; the production was pretty straightforward," Hendrix says. "These companies were real conveyor belts to make paperbacks, so there wasn’t a lot of overhead. This was really, really lucrative."
English translations abound, including online. Thousands of people study the Talmud daily, some of them through the Daf Yomi project. Started in 1923, Daf Yomi now offers a way for readers to connect with the past.
Designed and made in South Korea from recycled FSC-certified (responsibly managed forest) paper and printed with soy ink, this Jstory weekly planner is undated so you can start at any time. It contains 56 pages and measures 21cm x 30cm. It’s also super affordable costing just A$9.98.
Dress the lettuces with some vinaigrette in a salad bowl. Use just enough to make the leaves glisten. Crumble the cheese with a fork and add it to the salad, tossing them well together. Divide between 4 plates. Scatter the hot crispy bacon over the top, put 3 warm croutons on each plate and sprinkle sprigs of chervil or chopped parsley over the salad
Amazon is certainly not a fan of higher e-book prices. When the company was very publicly battling Hachette over a new contract in 2014, they made some very critical remarks. “With an e-book there’s no printing, no overprinting, no need to forecast, no returns, no lost sales due to out-of-stock, no warehousing costs, no transportation costs, and there is no secondary market – e-books cannot be resold as used books,” the company wrote. “E-books can be and should be less expensive.”
I am an archivist at Douglas County Libraries in the state of Colorado–and, as of a month ago, I am DCL’s first “Head Archivist.” The Archives and Local History department is fairly young, having only existed since 1992 (right around the time the county began its trend toward exponential annual population growth). We collect all sorts of material about Douglas County, which is not unusual, but the fact that we manage closed stacks, reference, and circulating local history collections might be surprising. At least it was for me! I have been with DCL for less than a year, hired on to a small team with lots of autonomy and very little structure. We have since reorganized ourselves into something that looks more like a ‘department’ in order to streamline collection management processes and be more efficient. At this point, a really big part of my job is just figuring out what all this means in the context of the larger institution, and trying to keep us afloat through a weird transition period. Because my background is in cataloging and processing, descriptive strategy and collection control is my top priority: that means everything from shopping for a new CMS to deciding which MARC tags should used in our bib records. Going forward, I’m also really excited about the opportunity to shape our collection development policy and make more deliberate, transparent curatorial decisions. Previously, I think our collecting method was much more passive and intuitive–after all, this was a small, close-knit, agricultural community not long ago. It’s easier in that context to identify what’s significant enough to preserve. Whereas now, we’ve got to figure out what’s meaningful to a population 1,000% larger than it was a century ago and made up almost entirely of highly mobile, suburban-dwelling transplants. It’s actually kind of an exciting problem to have.
Dan, 75, said the custom knees have done the trick. She continues to volunteer at Summerville Medical Center.
‘Turtle Tales’: Perham author pens book about town’s famous turtle races | Custom Cook Book Printing Related Video:
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