Wimpfheimer added, “The Talmud opens up a millennia-long conversation. It opens itself up to commentary, further commentary, discussion. Even today, people study in pairs, there’s discussion and debate with a partner rather than reading and absorbing. It’s part of why the Talmud continues to appeal.”
“I think the Daf Yomi project and program appeal to people who in some sense connect with Jewish tradition pre-Holocaust,” Wimpfheimer said. “There are some nostalgic feelings as well,” for people who “see ourselves as traditional Jews, and one of their activities was to study the Talmud.
PAUSED at Anderson Valley Market to deliver papers, I watched as two people in as many minutes tried the locked door at the Boonville Post Office. Ditto for the Philo Post Office. I’m sure if I’d staked out one or the other all day a steady stream of citizens would be similarly frustrated.
Some of the people Sherman interviewed are afraid of being seen as out of touch by friends or family, particularly friends or family who don’t have as much money as they do. Others — especially those who inherited their fortunes — feel guilty and undeserving of their riches. One woman Sherman talked to even admitted to taking the label off the $6 loaf of bread she regularly buys because she didn’t want her nanny to see it and feel uncomfortable.
Young adult fiction with themes of political activism has found a receptive teenage audience, most prominently with Angie Thomas’s Black Lives Matter-inspired novel “The Hate U Give,” now in its second year on the Times best-seller list, and soon to be released as a movie, about a 16-year-old girl who sees her childhood friend killed by a police officer. The #NeverAgain movement for gun reform will take a turn in the fiction spotlight this fall when the best-selling novelist Ellen Hopkins’s “People Kill People” — a novel in verse with a spectral narrator called Violence who weaves together the stories of six people and a gun — is published.
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This type of automated line requires a significant investment, but if you’re going to produce large quantity runs, the labor savings over several one-purpose machines will yield a very attractive ROI. You can even link the output of the 750 to a variety of assembling and packing machines to further automate the shipping process.
Now in its 35th year, the Printing Impressions 400 provides the industry’s most comprehensive listing of the leading printing companies in the United States and Canada ranked by annual sales volume.
To preface, I’d like to acknowledge that “rare” books is a slightly problematic term. I usually say something like historic or antiquarian books, or just special collections. And my reason is not just for the sake of being pedantic, but in fact totally related to my first encounter with rare books. My backstory is that I got into the field of librarianship so accidentally that for many years I didn’t even realize that’s what happened. It started during my freshman year of college when I saw a posting for a work-study job at something called the Yiddish Book Center, which was located near campus (in Amherst, Massachusetts). I thought, “Well, I like books,” although I didn’t know anything about Yiddish–like most people on the planet today. But the history of Yiddish literature turns out to be a perfect object lesson in why book history matters and illustrates the role that institutions play in collective memory-making. To summarize briefly: after WWII, the global population of native Yiddish speakers was greatly diminished and geographically displaced. And when that population aged and continued to decrease, there was a point at which it looked like Yiddish was a dying language. When the YBC began collecting Yiddish books in the 1980s, academics estimated that relatively few remained. Instead, the YBC collected more than a million volumes in the first few years. I don’t know why, but for some reason they hired me and taught me Hebrew letters and kept me around for awhile. I was so naive then that it didn’t occur to me that I was doing library-ish work, because I’d never seen special collections before and my idea of a library was a place where you borrow novels.
One vintage spacecraft even pushed past the boundary of interstellar space: Voyager 2 is now thought to be beyond the gravitational reach of the sun after decades of travel.
This is so difficult! And I feel like this is disloyal, but my favorite items are going to be from Penn State Special Collections (my previous employer), because A) DCL’s collections are smaller and more contemporary, and B) I’m still in the process of getting to know the collections here. I have two favorites from PSU. One is a book of decorative monograms that I became very fond of after using it for a couple of typography classes: A New Book of Cyphers: Containing in General All Names Interwoven, & Revers’d, by Alphabet, by Benjamin Rhodes, 1723. It’s a lovely book, not especially remarkable for an 18th-century specimen, but there’s something so visually arresting about the emblems. Even the students who couldn’t be bothered to look up from their phones for any other fantastic artifact would get excited about this one. And the first thing anyone does with this book is look up their own initials. The other most beautiful thing I’ve ever gotten to play with was this deck of cards designed and illustrated by artist Laura Davidson: all hand printed, painted and gilt, tucked into a handmade wooden box. (“Flora and Fauna,” edition of 20, 2008.) She transformed the card suits into fruits and insects and set them in these dreamy garden scenes. It’s hard for me to explain my love for this, aside from it being lovely and delightful, but I think it has something to do with the fact that it’s reinterpreting something familiar in a contemporary and unabashedly feminine way.
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